The Ager Program, developed within the Project Ab Origine. Culture, History, Identity, aims to promote the Sulcis-Iglesiente, whose territory has a rich cultural heritage. Promote it through the transmission of text documents and photographs is an effective way to make it known and promote it. Thanks to the recovery of the history of Sulcis Iglesiente there is wealth production in areas with properties of considerable interest, as areas of value historical, environment and landscaped, where customs and traditions persist. The cultural themes are covered in depth through a meticulous examination of texts, archives, untold information from authoritative experts in this field, private documents and surveys carried out on the ground. The photographs have been taken by the author or brought to light through careful investigation or through generous contributions from third parties. This information serves to support the variety of different themes covered. The need to have a logo stems from the need to distinguish all the information treated.
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